Ondamedia continues on its successful course in Switzerland. At the beginning of 2021, four new clinics have decided to drive digitization forward in their hospitals with the MEDIX-CARE platform. Clinic Schloss Mammern, Asana Spital Leuggern, Berner Rehab Center in Heiligenschwändi and Spital Männedorf will implement the MEDIX-CARE modules Link and Journi to better integrate patients into the treatment process to achieve a more efficient treatment outcome.
With MEDIX-CARE, patients can easily prepare for treatment and complete the admission process from home via their cell phone, tablet or PC all from the Journi app. During their hospital stay, With MEDIX-CARE, patients can easily prepare for treatment and complete the admission process from home via their cell phone, tablet or PC all from the Journi app. During their hospital stay, patients are then provided with personalized digital support, be it for orientation in the hospital, appointment management, nutrition management, or communication and entertainment. Post-hospital care continues as well; MEDIX-CARE is the ideal companion for rehabilitation measures, contact with doctors or booking appointments. At the same time, hospitals benefit from more efficient processes, reduced error rates and better quality of care, all of which made possible by MEDIX-CARE Link.