MEDIX-CARE wins tenders for Hospital Future Act (KHZG) compliant patient portals – We persuaded with interoperability and modulability. Further tenders are in the bidding and decision phase.
All projects are patient portals fundable by the Hospital Futures Act (KHZG). The requirements differ between clinics: From the implementation of a web-based solution based on the KHZG mandatory criteria to a fully comprehensive system with patient APP that even fulfills the optional criteria – we were able to perfectly cover all requirements and needs due to the modularity and interoperability of our platform. Thanks to expansion options and constant realignment to state of the art technologies, our customers are future-proofed with us.
The aim of the patient portal is to digitize admission, treatment and discharge management in order to optimize processes for clinics and offer patients more transparency and service.
The MEDIX-CARE patient portal solution leads and assists patients through their entire hospital stay, prepares them for their treatment, and provides crucial information before, during, and after the treatment. For this purpose, we integrate patient communication and request management into the existing software landscape (HIS, RIS, PACS, EHR). In the MEDIX-CARE platform, patient-relevant data is displayed to the user on any terminal device and in real time – processes for staff and patients are simplified, care is optimized and information is provided directly, comprehensibly and transparently.